
She gets to know us, She is fun and quite silly and bit crazy… sometimes. She is a Volunteer Cub Leader

We’re proud that Scouts is a volunteer led movement. Working in partnership with our staff team and local volunteers, our national team serves the whole movement. There are over 300 volunteers involved at UK HQ level.

Everything! There are so many roles within UK HQ Volunteering, that all support our vision of preparing more young people with skills for life, supported by amazing leaders delivering an inspiring programme.

Can you answer yes to these questions?

  • Do you enjoy volunteering?
  • Can you inspire and motivate others?
  • Do you have ideas for how we could make Scouts
  • Do you enjoy being part of a fun and caring team?

Then you are a perfect fit for volunteering! 

Volunteer Opportunities
Click above to view PDF

“Having been in Scouting since a Beaver, Scouting has been part of my life and has made me the person I am today! It’s helped me personally and professionally grow with skills and knowledge, this has enabled so many more opportunities throughout my life. Being a leader allows me to put back what I got from Scouting and see the same results and outcomes that I have been lucky enough to get from Scouting!”

Kevin (43)